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Why More Men Are Embracing Blepharoplasty

 Why More Men Are Embracing Blepharoplasty

Cosmetic surgery has become increasingly popular in the last few years. The rise of social media and videoconferencing and the fact that surgery is generally safer and less expensive than before all contribute to a higher demand for cosmetic procedures. 

While it’s true that more women than men choose cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance, Dr. Michael Nichols at Oral & Facial Surgery of Mississippi in Flowood, Mississippi, reports more men are asking about facial cosmetic procedures

The most common one they’re looking at is blepharoplasty. 

Blepharoplasty 101

Blepharoplasty is the medical name for a procedure sometimes called an eyelid lift. It can correct sagging upper or lower eyelids, and though it’s often done for cosmetic reasons, sagging eyelids can also obstruct your vision. 

If you have your upper eyelid lifted, Dr. Nichols makes an incision along the fold of your lid, removing excess skin, muscle, and sometimes fat. He then closes the incision. 

With the lower lid, Dr. Nichols makes an incision just beneath your lash line or inside your eyelid. He then removes or redistributes fat, muscle, and skin and closes the incision. 

In some instances, the best way to get the look you want is to combine blepharoplasty with other procedures. For example, a brow lift or injectables could result in your desired look.

Dr. Nichols provides guidance and suggestions before your procedure so you understand the best way to reach your goals. 

Men and blepharoplasty

Women seeking blepharoplasty usually want the procedure to focus on the upper eyelid. Men, however, tend to want sagging lower lids addressed. 

Every patient is unique, which is why our staff stresses individual consultations where Dr. Nichols develops an understanding of what you want.

Why you might want blepharoplasty

Over time, your eyelids stretch; at the same time, the muscles that support them weaken. That causes the skin and fat that once gave the structures around your eyes tautness and volume to droop and sag. 

The result is a tired look. You may have deep circles beneath your eyes. The extra skin on your upper lid may even obscure your vision. 

Blepharoplasty can help you look more refreshed. Although people may struggle to pinpoint why, they’re likely to think you seem younger. An eyelid lift offers subtle but powerful changes in your overall appearance. 

Ready to learn more? 

If you’d like to learn more about blepharoplasty and if you’re a good candidate, call today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Nichols at Oral & Facial Surgery of Mississippi. 

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